The transition to adult services and programs is recognized as a difficult one for individuals with disabilities.  Equally important is the stress and apprehension it causes parents. These information sheets provide information on self-advocacy, housing, recreation opportunities, service opportunities, supports for adults with disabilities, and transition from high school.

ADA and Transition: Q&A 

How the Americans with Disabilities Act supports adults with disabilities.
Entitlement vs. Eligibility – The Big Shift
When you leave public school, services will be different than what you’re used to. This information sheet explains these differences.

Help Your Young Adult Learn About Accessing Accommodations after High School 
Asking for accommodations as an adult can be intimidating. This information sheet gives practical tips on understanding what accommodations you might need and how to ask for them.

Day Programs/Training
Programs where adults with disabilities go to engage in structured play or activity based in a center and/or out in the community.

Independent Living Centers of Utah 
Services in Utah help individuals with disabilities live independently in their homes and communities. IL Centers provide: Information & Referral, Independent Living (IL) Skills Training, Peer Support, Systems and Individual Advocacy, and Transition/Youth Services.

Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF/ID):
The individuals served by ICFs/ID are in need of more continuous supervision and structure. ICFs/ID are long-term care programs certified to receive Medicaid reimbursement for habilitative and rehabilitative services. Nursing services are available for those requiring medical services.

General Resources
Resources that are not Day Programs, Independent Living Centers, or Intermediate Care Facilities.

Options for Independent and Supported Living
Learn about the many options available for independent and supported living.

Other Transition Concerns for Parents
This information sheet helps parents identify and problem solve challenges in adult living.

Preparing for Independent Living
Explore options and learn what is necessary to prepare for independent living.

Services for Adults with Disabilities
Information on agencies and services for adults with disabilities.